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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cooking with Emmie

One of Emerson's favorite hobbies these days is to help us cook dinner. As soon as one of us is doing anything in the kitchen, she heads to the pantry to haul out the step stool and wants to "help". After dinner tonight, she dug out some containers and told us she was "cooking dinner" on the floor.

Apparently the floor wasn't realistic enough, so she put a bowl on the counter and tried to "stir it up" but couldn't over to the pantry she went, got out the stool and also requested an apron!

She told me she was making turkey and noodles but then saw a banana on the counter and wanted that. She added it to one of the bowls and mashed it up a little...

...and then ate it!

Beautiful banana smile!

Potty Party

Emerson has been spending a little time each day just realxing in the bathroom...notice how she has a book and a snack in there with her?!?! I guess you've got to pass the time somehow! She has had success once so far :-)