Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Monday, March 31, 2008

A Visit From Grandma & Grandpa

Grandpa Mike & Grandma Lisa came to visit this weekend! It was so great to see them! We did lots of smiling and playing, went for a walk, went out to dinner on Saturday, then to church on Sunday before they headed home. Emmie is so blessed to have so many wonderful grandparents who love her! This week, I'm on Spring Break and I have been looking forward to a week at home snuggling with my little sweetie! The weather is rainy/stormy today so we've just stuck around home. It's supposed to be warmer later this week, so hopefully we'll be able to get out and do something. Emerson is getting better at rolling over onto her back...she still won't roll from her back to her tummy yet. We think she may be working on a tooth. She's more drooly than she's ever been and lately, everything is going into her mouth. I got my first tooth before I was 4 months, so she may be following in Mom's footsteps!

Check out the new shades she got from Grandma & Grandpa. How cute are these?

Why is everyone laughing???

Emmie was so good Saturday night at dinner! There were lots of little ones in the restaurant making noise, but she was the quietest (and the cutest)!

Emerson loves her new turtle book (another gift from Grandma & Grandpa). Any book she can chew on is all right with her!

And finally, a family picture. I think Emerson is starting to look more like Nick!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Emmie's 1st Easter!

On Friday, we had planned to go to Chicago to spend Easter with MJ, Lyndsey, Alex, Jeff, Lesley, and Noah. However, a snowstorm stretched across our whole route, so we thought we would postpone our trip til Saturday. But Nick came home from work with the flu on Friday, so we decided it would be best if we didn't go. We were so bummed! We had been looking forward to this for weeks. Lyndsey and Alex hadn't met Emerson yet and Mary Jane was missing her, so the three of them drove over here Saturday afternoon to see her! It was a short visit but it was so great to see them. The rest of the weekend was spent laying low. We didn't even go to church on Sunday, but I had to get Emmie dressed up for a few pictures.

Meeting Aunt Lyndsey and Uncle Alex

Grandma MJ with Emmie

Here is Emerson in her adorable Easter dress (thanks, Chris!) and her fancy socks (thanks, Aunt Nina!)

A little smile

The Easter Bunny brought Emerson some new bottles and pacifiers, and some candy for Mom & Dad!

3 1/2 Months Old

Emerson got 2 shots on Monday, so I got to take the day off and hang out with my little girl. Unfortunately, they didn't weigh and measure her since it wasn't a full check-up, but I got on the scale with her at home and it looks like she weighs about 14 lbs. She is certainly filling out her 0-3 month clothes now! Here are our favorite pictures from this week:

Just hanging out with Mom

Checking out Raggedy Ann (an Easter present from Great Grandma Glo). Emmie decided that she's cuddly and tasty!

Check out those chunky thighs!

Our serious little girl

Finally, a big smile! She's laughing because her crazy Mom forgot to put a onesie on her! It's true--motherhood makes you forgetful!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Here is a video of Emerson trying to imitate Mom. Again, the color/quality isn't good but you can hear her attempting to make noises. Enjoy!

New Tricks

We have big news...yesterday Emerson rolled from her tummy to her back twice! She has never even been close to rolling over and can't stand being on her tummy for very long, so it was extremely exciting for all of us! She has also been attempting to repeat sounds that we make to her. We're going to try to get a video of that--it's hilarious! Here are our favorite shots from this week:

Emmie went with Mommy to hang out with her Aunt Pam and cousins Kenzie and Maddie for awhile yesterday. She got lots of kisses and snuggles!

Emerson is grabbing at everything and can hold onto her toys and entertain herself for quite awhile.

It's kind of blurry but I love black and white close-ups. Doesn't she look so sweet?

Her eyes look so beautiful in this picture!

On Friday, the sun was out, the snow was melting and Mom had spring fever, so we decided to bundle her up and go for a walk. Emmie just looked around the whole time. She's never been outdoors for that long!

Emerson loves to suck on her finger (and sometimes her thumb at the same time)!

Monday, March 10, 2008

3 Months Old

Emerson is 3 months old now! She'll be 14 weeks tomorrow. She has a doctor appointment next week to get more vaccinations, so maybe we'll have new height and weight stats then. She is sleeping and napping like a champ at home and adjusting well to going to the sitter's house. She is still usually very content and serious but we love the smiles and squeals we get every now and then! Here are some of our favorite recent pictures:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Emerson's Noises

Here is our first attempt at a video...the quality isn't good, but you can hear her making lots of cute little noises as she was playing in her gym this morning. Mom got to stay home today (yet ANOTHER snow day) so we're just hanging out together while Dad is enjoying his first day at his new job!