We took our first road trip this past weekend to see my parents. Emmie slept for a little while in the car, so she was wide awake and ready to play with Grandma and Grandpa Ross when we got there! On Saturday, my sister Lori came over with Courtney and James (our niece and nephew) to meet Emerson for the first time. She loved meeting them! There was also an antique tractor parade that stopped by, so Emerson got to see over 50 tractors...she wasn't all that excited, but she loved being outside on such a beautiful day. Grandpa said he'll give her a tractor ride next time she visits. The weekend went by very quickly but it was great to see everyone! Emerson seems to be a good traveler!

Saying "hi" to Grandpa Ross

Playing with Grandma before bed
Giving Courtney kisses

She loved to grab James' face and hair
Here are a few of the antique tractors we saw...Grandpa loved the Case tractor towing the John Deere!

We went to the Heussner's for a cookout. Emerson loved playing with Emma's toys!

All tired out again on Saturday night

Good night kisses for Grandpa...

and Grandma
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