Weight: 19.1 lbs. (still 95%)
Height: 26.25 in. (still 75%)
Head: 17.5 (still 95%)
So, she's growing at the same rate she was at her 4 month appt. Her last ear infection seems to have mostly cleared up but she still has some fluid in one ear, so our pediatrician prescribed a stronger antibiotic to see if that would clear it up. She was also concerned that Emerson is still congested (as we've been saying since she was born) and it's now turned into a cough. She says the congestion is all in her throat and nasal areas, and thinks it may be reflux (if it's not, then she'll look at the possiblity of allergies). So we started Zantac today to see if that would help clear her up. Hopefully this will help get to the bottom of what's going on. Her umbillical hernia is great and the dr. has no concerns with that! She's sitting up all the time, grabbing everything, babbling away, and trying to sing (I think)! She's such a fun little girl!
Her eyes are turning hazel like Daddy's!
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