Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday @ 1:33pm my amazing wife delivered our new daughter. Her name is Emerson Grace Mayra, she weighed 6lbs. 13 oz. and was 20" long. I always said that newborns were usually pretty ugly and that I could be realistic about my own baby's appearance because they don't stay as ugly, wrinkly, cone-headed newborns, but our baby girl is the most beautiful little baby that I have ever seen. Both Mom and Emmie are happy and healthy (even after 34 hours of labor). Dad (that's me)went home to sleep last night and update this blog for everyone and I can't wait to get back there and see my girls so don't expect a lot of fluff with these pics.

Here is Mom and Emmie right after birth.

Our baby girl.

Grandma and Grandpa Ross, proud grandparents.

Great Grandma Glo with Emerson.

Emerson with her Aunt Nina.

...and now with her Aunt Sarah.

Grandma Lisa shading her eyes from the bright light.

Not so happy getting checked out and with goop in her eyes.

After a long day (or two) I am whipped and I stink, but I love that baby.

This one is my favorite. I took this just before I left to go home and sleep last night. That's my little girl and I love her (so does mommy, but she can tell you all about that later.) More to come.........


Angie Robinson said...

Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you both! We hope your first night at home went well. She is beautiful and we are looking forward to more pictures.

Love, Angie, Art, Hailey and Jack

Lesley said...

She is absolutely precious - congrats mommy and daddy!!!! Noah couldn't stop smiling when I showed him the pictures and he told me that he can't wait to meet his new cousin. We love you guys!
Uncle Jeff, Auntie Les, & Noah

Christine Hodges said...

Congratulations to you two! You'll be great parents. I love Emmie, so cute. I was so excited to hear the news and see the pictures, I know there will be many more to come now. Have a merry, merry Christmas.
Chris (and Bob too)

Unknown said...

Congrats Mayras! Great job, Kristine:) She's a beauty for sure. Take care and God bless.

Taras and Tina Collum (in Arizona)

Kevin and Karen said...

Congratulations!!! Our family is so excited and we are very anxious to meet baby Emerson. What a great name and we love it. Bless your whole family and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Love you lots!!!
Kevin, Karen, Ben and Jack

amybrey said...

Congratulations from the Brey's in Green Bay! She is stunning, and so sweet! The pictures are beautiful. Here is some unsolicited advice (sorry)...SLEEP! Seriously. Don't write thank you notes (technically, you have a year), don't watch TV, don't check your email or post on the blog. And if (when) you have to choose between eating and a nap, drink a glass of water as fast as you can and SLEEP! Seriously. Don't question it. Trust me. :)
Amy, Eric, Matthew, and Katelyn

Brooke said...

Congrats! We are so happy for you guys! Isn't it all just so amazing...she truly is a blessing. Take care and we look forward to checking out more pictures of your beautiful little girl.
Brooke, Brad, and Rylee Spindler

Betty Jo Brege said...

Congratulations!!! Love you guys, you are going to be fantastic parents, she is lucky to have you. Get some rest!

Shelly said...

Absolutely amazing! Emmie is so beautiful! I am so excited for the whole family. Kristine-You are amazing, too! You go girl!!!!!! Nick you are truly doing an awesome job! Way to go! Take time to treasure every moment. They grow so fast. You are already spectacular parents!!! I can't wait to meet Emmie. Great name! I think you should still consider "Gabby." Only kidding Kristine!!!! Emmie is a precious gift. God Bless all of you!

Shelly Pattterson

Tracy Lixey said...

We LOVE her!! Emerson is an absolutely beautiful person! (Just like her mommy and daddy! ) We can't wait to snuggle her! Jayce is so happy to have a new little friend! Nick, you may have been replaced as his best friend!! Get some sleep and enjoy her!!!
Dan, Tracy and Jayce

dave lathrop said...

nick, christine and emerson... well it's begun... congrats of course, she's beautiful of course, and it's a moment that you've been longing for, of course... God is good to give us all these things that are so simple yet so true... bless you all three... bring her to house church sunday... she won't break! love and peace... dave/gay/tess/luke

Lisa said...

Dear Nick and Kristine,

I know you have been waiting for Emmie a long time. God is never late but sometimes he waits to the last minute. I think when we wait and yearn for someone or something we want and when it finally comes it is such a celebration! Mike and I are rejoicing over the birth of Emmerson(Emmie)! Just love her name!!! We love you all, Dad & Lisa

Lyn said...

Hey Mayra family, I didn't know I could post on this until Grandma told me. She's more computer savey than I am. We all are enjoying all the gorgeous photos of our beautiful new niece and cousin. You two aren't so bad either! Can't wait to meet Emerson in a couple of weeks. Love to you all, Aunt Lyn, Uncle Doug, Michael and Rachael