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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Emerson comes home

Apparently my daughter is pretty popular as it has been a virtual parade of visitors since we got home with our little girl. We are so happy to be home with Emerson and so happy that everyone wants to come and meet her. So far she has been very good but Mom and Dad need naps. Grandma Ross has been a big help in the transition and is doing her best to help us get some sleep.

Emmie's first bath with her cousins, Mackenzie and Madison

Emerson's friend Lyvinia came over to practice her upcoming role as big sister in a few months

Grandma reads Emmie her first ever bedtime story

Grandma MJ came to visit today!!

Cousin Maddie has been waiting for this moment for a long long time

...and so has Mackenzie (can you say 'babysitters'?)

Emerson and Aunt Pam

...and with Uncle Steve

1 comment:

Angie Robinson said...

She gets cuter by the day! Thanks for keeping the photos coming, we love to look at them, it makes you all seem a little closer.