Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011


At Emerson's last visit with her ENT, he noticed that her tonsils were so large they were almost touching each other.  This has been causing her snoring and sleep apnea, so he suggested removing them.  Her surgery was scheduled for this past Monday.  Grandma Ross came to help out and brought Emmie some new pajamas and a special new quilt that had been prayed over by their church. 
Reading with Grandma the night before her surgery
This was right after her surgery when she was waking up in the recovery room.  Grandma and Mom got to be there with her and watch movies until it was time to head home.
The afternoon of her surgery...she wanted to have a tea party with Grandma and played most of the afternoon!
The day after surgery.  She still felt good, but was just a little bit subdued from her usual bubbly self.  We spent lots of time making play-doh cakes.
So proud of all of her creations!

She was such a trooper and we are so proud of her!  I pray the rest of her recovery goes smoothly and this helps her snoring/sleeping issues and helps keep her healthier overall!

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