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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Break: Part 1

Our spring break started a few days early this year because Emerson was sick.  She was feeling better by Saturday and we spent lots of time snuggling, watching movies, playing Barbies, My Little Ponies, dressing up and having tea.  I took Jayce and Emerson to the movies on Monday to see MegaMind (it was her first theater experience and I wasn't sure how well our active little girl would sit.  I'm glad it was free because wasn't very into it, but she liked the snacks!)
This ensemble was put together by Emerson.  After getting ready, she pronounced herself "ready for the wedding"!  Because this is what you wear to a wedding, right?
After being cooped up all weekend, she and Nick went outside to practice fishing and look for butterflies and bugs.
Such a patient Dad!
Not the best picture of Nick, but I love Emerson's expression here :-)

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