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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trip to the Farm

We went to visit Grandma & Grandpa Ross on the farm for the weekend.  Emerson had told them she wanted to "go to the corn" so we ventured out to the harvested corn field to see what we could find.  Emmie found lots of ears to take home and to "peel" (her words).  She took a short ride on one of Grandpa's tractors and had a fun time running around in his "little red wagon" too. 
On Sunday after church, we had a big family dinner, which at Grandma & Grandpa's house is always followed by dessert.  Emerson wasn't interested in the pie, but had a great time devouring the ice cream sundae--and making the biggest mess you can imagine.  I'm pretty sure her whole face was in the bowl at one point!  She entertained us all and loved the attention, of course :-)
I love this face!

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