Weight: 28.8 lbs (91%)
Height: 34" (95%--she's grown about 2.5 inches in 3 months!)
Head: 19.5"
- She is talking like crazy, putting two word phrases together, repeating things she hears, and says "hello, hi, bye-bye" to everyone she sees!
- She loves to swim, swing, go for bike rides and walks, and just loves being outdoors.
- She makes terrific animal noises, has memorized some phrases from her favorite books, loves to dance, and requests "music" as soon as we get in the car.
- She wants to look at pictures ("pick-shooks") on the computer of her family and friends all the time! She also tells us who she would like to call or skype and pretends to talk on the phone all the time, but rarely talks when there is really someone on the other end!
She is so much fun but growing up so quickly! We absolutely adore her and are cherishing every minute. Hope you enjoy the pictures of our little cutie!

What a photogenic family. Amazing pictures:)
I love all the pictures! Emerson looks so cute and your family pictures are great too!
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