Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 1, 2009


Emerson got to spend lots of time with Grandma & Grandpa Ross this past week while we were gone to Aunt Nina's wedding in Mexico. It was so nice for her to spend time with them and such a treat to be able to sleep in each day instead of having Mom come in and wake her up to go to her sitter's house! She slept until 8 or 9 each day we were gone! Emmie had lots of fun with them...going for walks, reading books, playing at the playground, shopping, dining out, and entertaining family and friends. I'm not even sure she noticed that we were gone!
Hanging out with Grandpa

Pattycaking with Grandma

I can't believe that Kenzie & Maddie used to fit in this car!

She loves to stick her tongue out and try to get you to do it back to her!

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