Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, January 10, 2009

13 Months Old

Emerson is 13 months old! She is such a good-natured, happy little girl...we are so thankful for her laid-back personality! Here are some recent videos: in the first, she's showing us how to "roll it" (she learned it from Great-Grandma Glo) and in the second, she's laughing at Jayce's crazy noises. (And just so you know, we DO change her clothes! She just apparently wears this outfit quite frequently!)

Here's what Emmie has been up to:

  • She loves to eat EVERYTHING except fruit
  • She weighs about 24 lbs and has 9 teeth
  • She is walking, but still prefers to crawl or walk on her knees
  • She says "mama, daddy, hi, fish, bye-bye" and tries to repeat many words we say!
  • A sheep says "baa" but everything else says "woof"
  • She throws her toys and books rather than playing with them
  • She loves dancing, being read to, people watching, waving, playing peekaboo, and blowing kisses

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