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Friday, January 11, 2008

Emmie's Likes and Dislikes

We thought we'd catch you all up one some of Emerson's current likes and dislikes:

She loves to take a bath in her bathtub--even if you can't tell by her face!

Here she is getting dried off (and being uncharacteristically calm). She usually dislikes being naked or getting her clothes or her diaper changed. However, she does enjoy going to the bathroom as soon as her diaper is off!

She also enjoys making funny faces like this one!

Emerson likes to hear some stories each night. Dad decided that his aquarium supply catalog would make a good bedtime story!

Emmie usually enjoys playing in her gym. She tries to bat at some of the objects, makes noises, and loves to listen to the music. Apparently, this workout was just too strenuous!

She loves sleeping in her crib, but only at night...during the day, she prefers to nap in her swing, bouncy seat, car seat, or snuggled up with Mom or Dad. We're still working on getting her to nap in her crib!

Emerson loves it when we tickle her tummy--she gets so excited! She kicks her legs and waves her arms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just need to tell you how adorable your little baby is (not that you don't already know). I want to see her in person soon!!!
Miss you!