Yesterday @ 1:33pm my amazing wife delivered our new daughter. Her name is Emerson Grace Mayra, she weighed 6lbs. 13 oz. and was 20" long. I always said that newborns were usually pretty ugly and that I could be realistic about my own baby's appearance because they don't stay as ugly, wrinkly, cone-headed newborns, but our baby girl is the most beautiful little baby that I have ever seen. Both Mom and Emmie are happy and healthy (even after 34 hours of labor). Dad (that's me)went home to sleep last night and update this blog for everyone and I can't wait to get back there and see my girls so don't expect a lot of fluff with these pics.
Here is Mom and Emmie right after birth.
Our baby girl.
Grandma and Grandpa Ross, proud grandparents.
Great Grandma Glo with Emerson.
Emerson with her Aunt Nina.
...and now with her Aunt Sarah.
Grandma Lisa shading her eyes from the bright light.
Not so happy getting checked out and with goop in her eyes.
After a long day (or two) I am whipped and I stink, but I love that baby.

This one is my favorite. I took this just before I left to go home and sleep last night. That's my little girl and I love her (so does mommy, but she can tell you all about that later.) More to come.........