Then we went to Grandma Glo's church and back to her house for a delicious Christmas Eve dinner and a wonderful evening together. We even got to skype with Grandma Lisa, Grandpa Mike, and Sarah in China!
Emerson and Noah helped everyone open gifts and provided lots of entertainment for us!
On Christmas morning, we had a fabulous brunch at Mary Jane's house with lots of family and friends. Here is a picture of Grandma Lowney and some of her kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. We were so thankful we got to see so much family while we were there!
Koen was all decked out for the occasion, but not terribly interested in opening gifts of course:-) But isn't he adorable?
Emerson was happy to share her new toys with Uncle Alex (and anyone else who would play with her)
Emmie was very interested in her new cousin. She was very gentle with him and wanted to play with him. It was so cute!
Snuggle time with Nana the day after Christmas
Nana also taught Emmie this cute little rhyme that Grandpa Lowney used to do when she was little. Emmie loved it!
And of course, we had PLENTY of snow to play in...