Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Next American Idol???

Emerson has decided that she is quite a singer!

On the Move!

Emmie finally showed off her crawling skills on camera!

Recent Pics

Here are some recent pictures of our little girl. She's been pulling herself up to stand, she loves to roll and crawl all around the house, and still loves her jumperoo. She's been kind of irritable this week and had a little temp. one day, so we think she's working on more teeth. I went back to work this week, so Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, Emerson went to her new sitter, Liz's house. She had a ball with all the other kids there! On Wednesday, Emmie got to stay home with Grandma Lisa all day and of course, they both enjoyed every minute of it! They spent lots of time outdoors, which Emmie loves!

Dan, Tracy, & Jayce can always make Emerson laugh!

A sleepy girl snuggling with Daddy

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Week with Grandma Ross

Grandma Ross came to stay with us this week! Emmie was so happy to see her. We went out for dinner on Monday, then went school shopping with my sister & nieces on Tuesday. On Wednesday & Thursday my mom & my nieces watched Emerson while I went to school to start getting my classroom ready for the upcoming year. They all had a great time together!

Grandma's necklace looked tasty! She tried to hide it but Emmie knew it was there.
She's a neat eater :-) And she's not happy getting cleaned up!

All smiles in her pj's

Crazy Cousins

We went school shopping with my mom, my sister, and my nieces on Tuesday. Emerson was tired out, but after we got home Madison helped her get her second wind.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Being Silly with Daddy

Here is a video of Emerson imitating Dad today. She just recently discovered how loud she can be!

8 Months Old

Our not-so-little peanut is 8 months old! She weighs over 20 lbs. now and is a very good eater (obviously). She prefers veggies over fruit and loves to feed herself and use her sippy cup. She is extremely social and seems happiest when she's around other people (especially older kids)! She has been busy exploring the house and the yard now that she can crawl. The outdoors are fascinating to her! Emerson loves to babble on and on, but the only words we can make out so far are "daddy", "hi", and "yay" (we think)! She is so much fun right now and we are loving every moment!
She loves to bounce in the jumperoo!

We always joked that our daughter would be a linebacker...maybe she will be after all!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Weekend at the Cottage

We spent last weekend at the Richardson's cottage in Spring Lake. It was a beautiful weekend and Emmie was very excited to see Grandpa Mike and Grandma Lisa. We celebrated Grandpa's birthday, ate lots of yummy food, and enjoyed the sunshine. Emerson also loved playing with the "big girls" Olivia and Alexa!

There were lots of boats on the lake, so the girls "swam" in the pool instead!

Visit to Grandma & Grandpa's House

Emerson and I went to Marlette to spend some time with my parents a couple of weeks ago. She loved being at Grandma & Grandpa's house, rolling around on their floors and beds, and pulling on their fingers and faces! We also went to visit my cousin Patti and her family. Emmie met her cousins, Carl and Charles, for the first time and LOVED watching them! They provided lots of entertainment for us!
Look at those cheeks!!

This is my new favorite picture of her!

Army Crawl

So, our technical issues have finally been worked out! I've been trying to get a short video of Emerson doing her "army crawl" but each time I turned the camera on, she got sidetracked. Oh well, here's a cute video of her from our visit to Marlette! Enjoy!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Technical Difficulties...

We really have tried to update the blog a few times but our card reader (which takes the pictures from the camera to the computer) isn't working for some reason. So, I will try to get new pictures on as soon as possible!
Anyway, here's what's happening with Emerson...a week ago today, she started "army crawling" and she's all over the place! She's pretty excited to be mobile and doesn't want to sit still much anymore. Last Saturday, Nick & I had a wedding to go to, so Aunt Nina & Rich came over to babysit Emmie. She had lots of fun with them and especially enjoyed grabbing Rich's face and Nina's hair. Sunday through Tuesday, Emerson and I went to my parents' house to visit for a few days and saw lots of my family. She showed off her new tricks to Grandma & Grandpa Ross and was fascinated by their carpet! On Wednesday, we met some friends from church and their little ones at Millennium Park and sat at the edge of the water all afternoon. Yesterday consisted of a very warm picnic at the park with all the kids from Emerson's sitter's house, followed by a quick dip in our neighbors' pool to cool off.
I think that catches you up to speed for now. I'll see if our technology director (AKA: Nick) has better luck with downloading our pictures!