Saturday, April 26, 2008
Emmie's Squeals
Here are some of Emerson's latest squealy noises and a nice display of her grabbing techniques!
Emmie's 1st Illness
Emerson had her first illness this past week. She was fussier than normal on Friday and Saturday and wasn't sleeping/napping well. Her eyes were watery and she was sneezing and coughing (we thought maybe she had allergies--we had the windows open for the first time). She had a slight fever and was really congested during the night on Saturday, so we called her pediatrician's after-hours number and they told us to go to the GRAPES clinic at the children's hospital on Sunday (it's kind of like an Emergency Room just for pediatric patients and they have night and weekend hours) The doctor there informed us that she had a virus, as well as pinkeye and an ear infection! So she got her first bottle of yummy pink amoxicillin and Mom got to stay home with her on Monday. She's doing much better now and we just can't get over how content she was for being that sick. She's such a good girl! Here are some pics from this week:

Just as I snapped this one, she started spitting up...lovely!

She's gotten really good at grabbing toys, hair, jewelry, glasses :-)

I just love her big, beautiful eyes and long eyelashes.

Even her feet are pudgy!
Just as I snapped this one, she started spitting up...lovely!
She's gotten really good at grabbing toys, hair, jewelry, glasses :-)
I just love her big, beautiful eyes and long eyelashes.
Even her feet are pudgy!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Talking with Dad
Emerson has been very talkative lately! Here's a video of her chatting with Daddy last night:
Friday, April 18, 2008
4 1/2 Months
(I'm not sure why these pictures are smaller and I can't get them to line up right...sorry!)
Emerson had her 4 month check-up on Tuesday. She's doing great and growing like a weed! The doctor says her umbillical hernia is looking better and should close up on its own without surgery. She also said that her neck muscles have strengthened and her range of motion is good, so her flat head should also be improving without any intervention. Emmie has been eating like crazy and still sleeps well at night. She also usually takes 3 naps throughout the day. Here are her 4 1/2 month stats:
Weight: 16.2 lbs (95th%!!!!)
Height: 24 3/4 in. (75th%)
Head Circ: 17 (95th%)
Grandma & Grandpa are back!
Grandma and Grandpa Ross finally came back to Michigan last week after being in Florida for the winter. Before heading to their home in the thumb, they spent the weekend in Grand Rapids visiting their granddaughters (and daughters and son-in-laws, but mostly the granddaughters)! It was so wonderful to spend the weekend together and Emerson was so excited to see them again! She has changed so much since they last saw her! Here are some pictures from the weekend:
Posing with Grandma & Grandpa wearing an adorable outfit that she got from their friends (Thanks, Tom & Pati!)
Grandma got to read Emmie her bedtime story

Snuggling with Mackenzie...

...and reading with Madison

We lounged around in our pj's with Grandma and Grandpa before they left on Sunday
Posing with Grandma & Grandpa wearing an adorable outfit that she got from their friends (Thanks, Tom & Pati!)
Snuggling with Mackenzie...
...and reading with Madison
We lounged around in our pj's with Grandma and Grandpa before they left on Sunday
Sunday, April 6, 2008
4 Months Old
Emerson turned 4 months old on Friday! She is getting to be more fun every day. I am so thankful that I got to spend this past week with her! We took our first trip to the mall and she just looked around and took everything in. She was so good (and I think that's the longest she's ever stayed awake)! We took lots of walks throughout the week and played with all of her toys. Emmie perfected her raspeberry noise, as well as "ah-goo", "ah-boo", "gee", and "who"! She's so much fun to listen to! Here are some pictures of our growing girl:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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